Gratitude is a Great Attitude

Gratitude is a great attitude to have.  It is right and good that we express our thanksgiving to Almighty God for the good things he has done.  But there is another level of gratitude that not only honours God but it splashes back on the one expressing their gratitude.

This is a gratitude that expresses thanksgiving to God before he has acted or fulfilled his promises.

We have just launched into 2022.  And like many people, we can be overwhelmed by the ‘bad news’ thrown at us through the media and so, struggle through the year.

OR we can remember the ‘LORD is good’ and start thanking Him for the blessings, favour, victory, breakthrough, answers to prayer that God has in store for us in the months ahead. Such ‘faith gratitude’ warms the heart of our generous GOD and it positions us for joy and victory in 2022.

Indeed, gratitude is a great attitude.

Ps David Warwick
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